The Power of Creativity

The Power of Creativity

At times like this, it is easy to feel powerless. But what we must remember is that we are creatives, and in creativity there is power, the power to change minds, to make people laugh, to make people cry. This kind of power is in the very work that we love to do....
Member Feature: Women’s Stories

Member Feature: Women’s Stories

This month we celebrated International Women’s Day and so it seemed a fitting time to celebrate women’s work, including narratives about women, and female led projects! Especially in these challenging times, celebrating our work and our community is more...
Covid-19 and the freelance community

Covid-19 and the freelance community

As measures are being announced to support businesses, freelancers and self-employed people are still fighting to have their livelihoods protected during this crisis. Given that our industry is reliant on freelance creatives, it is vital that we fight for the same...
Member Feature: Political Messaging

Member Feature: Political Messaging

We are in a time of political upheaval, and political messaging is more at the forefront than ever with the rise of Fake News and the likes of the Brexit Bus. Communication around political issues is changing beyond belief, and not always for the better. In the midst...
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