We are really excited to share with you the newest addition to our website, a space to host all our video content in partnership with TwentyThree.

The hub features member-only content, including AGM recordings and filmed versions of EVCOMference sessions. You can also find our full roster of webinars and skills shares, which touch on everything from mental health to creativity, workplace culture to leadership. These are great resources where we hear from panel of experts and industry leaders on their specialist topics, so we encourage our members and the industry to make the most of them! Finally you can find some of the amazing winning work from the EVCOM London Live and Film Awards, and the EVCOM Clarion Awards in the last few years. This is a great space to look for inspiration, but if you’re thinking of entering our awards this year, this is also a great space to get an understanding of what the judges are looking for.

We hope this new space is a useful and vital area for our members, with learning and inspiration at its core.

Visit it here. Members should have received their entry password for all member-only content in this area via email. If you are an EVCOM member and you have not received this password, email Amelia on amelia.brown@evcom.org.uk who can send it over to you.

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