They say, ‘you don’t know what you don’t know’, and new business experts jfdi and strategic insights agency Opinium feel sure you don’t want to be that frog.

The annual jfdi/Opinium New Business Barometer provides invaluable insights and industry-wide stats to enable agencies to benchmark their performance. The information collected from the Barometer will help you create more effective new business strategies going forward. It is the largest survey of new business professionals in UK creative agencies, so it’s a really important piece to be part of.

And you can get a FREE copy of the results sent directly to you when it’s published in the new year if you take a few minutes to complete the survey here.

By completing the survey, you’ll also be:

  • Entered into a weekly draw to win one of 8 places at a jfdi new business workshop to help you turn the Barometer insights into action
  • Entered into a monthly draw to win one of three prizes of 5 omnibus research questions worth £1250 from Opinium to help you validate insights and ideas to win a pitch
  • Have £5 donated on your behalf to Foodbank The Trussell Trust – Stop UK Hunger
  • Be sent a highly-desired ‘froggie stress ball’ for the year ahead.

If you need any further persuasion to get involved, you can check out the headline findings of the 2021 report which we published on our blog last year here.

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