Up until now Wiktoria has taken part in a few productions in a variety of roles, some working with companies such as ForUsFilms and CasualFilms and some working independently. One of the things she loves the most about the media industry is the creative freedom it allows as well as the ability to reflect own views and beliefs through creating work that can be seen by others. 

We spoke to Wiktoria about studying digital film production, expression and the influence of media.


Tell us about where you are now, and what you love about your job/ course.

Currently I am beginning my studies of digital film production at Ravensbourne University. I love that I will be able to have various new experiences, gain new skills and use new equipment and find new ways of expressing myself.


Tell us a bit about your journey to get there.

My journey began in secondary school when I began my media studies course and have found it to be my favourite subject. This has led me to choose media studies as one of my A-levels and join a film club in college where I got to work on projects with ForUsFilms and CasualFilms.


For those readers still considering whether this industry is the right place for them, tell us what you most love about it. What appeals to you about this industry?

What I love the most about the media industry is the freedom of expression and the creative freedom. There are endless ways to convey messages and feelings which could have been difficult to express otherwise.


Looking forwards, what do you think the future of the industry is going to look like? What changes are you excited to see?

In the future I hope the media industry will have an even greater diversity. There has been lots of progress over the last years however minority groups still tend to be under-represented a lot and even if they are included, it is often for the sake of tokenism. I am really looking forward to this changing in the future to provide people with many more role-models who they can identify with, ones that do not have to reinforce the dominant ideologies but make it clear that it is alright for everyone to be different and there is no need to force yourself to fit the mould.


If you could say one thing to the wider industry right now, what would it be?

One thing I would want to say to the wider industry is to be aware of the enormous influence that media has on people and thus be careful with the messages that they attempt to convey.

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