DCMS and the Home office have updated the guidance on the various routes of entry available for entertainers and musicians, from non-visa national countries, such as EU Member States and the US, visiting the UK for performance and work. This will be of particular interest to  organisations and DMOS that are planning events over the summer.

What you need to know:

The UK does not have work permits. The UK’s domestic rules allow musicians, entertainers and artists from non-visa national countries, such as EU Member States and the US, to come to undertake paid work in the UK for up to:

1 month without requiring a visa if they are invited to the UK by a UK-based client or organisation, and paid by a UK source (under the permitted paid engagement visitor rules).

3 months without requiring a visa if they have been assigned a certificate of sponsorship by a licensed sponsor under the Temporary Work – Creative Worker visa concession.

6 months without requiring a visa if performing at a permit-free festival. The list of permit free festivals is published under the Immigration Rules and includes a range of events, from Glastonbury to Glyndebourne.

12 months on the Temporary Work – Creative Worker route, if they obtain a visa and a Certificate of Sponsorship.

Paid by a non-UK source and unpaid work: Non-visa national artists, entertainers or musicians (and their personal, technical and production staff) can give performances, take part in competitions, auditions, make personal appearances and take part in promotional activities for up to 6 months visa-free under the Standard visitor route if they are not receiving payment from a UK source other than prize money or expenses.

Support staff: Personal or technical staff or members of the production team of an artist, entertainer or musician may support the activities of an artist, entertainer or musician who is coming to the UK under the Standard visitor or Permitted Paid Engagement visitor route, provided they are attending the same event as the artist, entertainer or musician, and are employed to work for them outside of the UK.

Personal or technical staff may support the activities of a Creative Worker on the Temporary Work – Creative Worker route as members of that person’s entourage, provided they meet certain conditions, including that their employment is directly related to the work the Creative Worker will be doing in the UK.

Find out more here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/visiting-the-uk-as-a-creative-professional-from-a-non-visa-national-country

Photo by Erik Odiin on Unsplash

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