The EVCOM Clarion Awards, which celebrate creativity and excellence with a cause-driven focus, are currently open for entry. So we decided to speak to previous winner Louis Paltnoi (Inspired Films) about why they’ve entered the EVCOM Clarion Awards before, and why making purpose driven work is important to them. 

Why do you choose to produce this kind (purpose driven) of work? 

Producing purpose-driven work is part of our ethos and mindset. Film is an extremely powerful (and in some cases life changing medium), By creating powerful, purpose-driven work, we can help evoke conversations, challenge thinking and mindset and above and raise awareness of key issues that may otherwise be overlooked.

What work has had the biggest impact on you/the cause/the client? 

For many years, Inspired was seen as a charity and third sector specialist, working with some of the biggest (and smallest) not for profit organisations in the UK. It’s hard for us to differentiate or select a favourite piece of work, from our films on rare disease to projects on LGBTQ awareness. However if we had to choose one, it is probably our first ever client film, for the international water aid charity Just a Drop. Our film helped to increase donations to the charity by 40% and inspired a global social media campaign which garnered the attention of everyone from Hollywood superstars to Premier League footballers. It even trended on Twitter for a while. This was created from a home office, with two full time members of staff!

Do you have a view on the future of purpose driven work? 

Purpose-driven work is more important now than ever. More importantly, the market is more crowded than ever, so creating the right kind of content, that will rise head and shoulders above others, is pivotal. Innovation plays a part, however knowing your audience and sublime, authentic storytelling are the most fundamental aspects of any successful purpose-driven film.

Find out more and enter here.

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