The EVCOM Clarion Awards celebrate cause-driven creativity in the live and film sectors. They were set up with the core belief that recognising cause-driven work, work that seeks to make a difference, work with purpose, is a vital and important thing to do. It helps the creators of these kinds of projects get recognition that allows them to go on and create more. It helps clients understand that this kind of work is not a thing they have to do to tick boxes, but something they can do beautifully, to an award-winning standard. And it raises awareness of these issues and encourages more projects around them, and by extension, even more awareness.

The Clarion Awards were the first scheme to focus entirely on cause-driven work in our industry. Hear from long-time supporter of the awards Dale Parmenter (Managing Director, DRPG) regarding the history of the awards, and why he thinks clients and agencies should be entering:

“The Clarion Awards were established back in the 90s and were the first award scheme to celebrate the great work our industry delivers to promote sustainability and social purpose. Originally the Clarions were for the film world, now it recognises work from across the Visual and Live sectors, from compelling film, to engaging live experiences and digital immersion.


This Unique award scheme, which has led the way in promoting and celebrating sustainability, is still a trailblazer, every year refreshing and recognising the changing world and its priorities.


The 2023 Clarions are no different. I’m passionate about creating a more sustainable future and so whole heartedly support the work of EVCOM and the Clarion Awards. It has to be a no brainer for clients, agencies and production companies to get involved and showcase their great work.”

For nearly thirty years EVCOM have been celebrating cause-driven work through this scheme, and in the past few years we’ve seen a real increase in brands and clients wanting this kind of content. Louis Paltnoi, previous winner and Creative Co-Founder at Inspired Films explains more:

“We have always been a big supporter of the EVCOM Clarions. Cause-driven content used to be seen as the poor relation of brand film, however this has changed massively over the past few years. In a post-Covid world, cause-driven films are now often at the forefront of many global brands’ marketing and communications campaigns. Creativity in this genre has never been more evident and it’s fitting that in the Clarions, there is an awards ceremony that recognises this hugely important sector.”

Consumers and audiences are supporting brands that care, and boycotting those that don’t. Employees are demanding more inclusive practises in the workplace, stretching across diversity and mental health. Creating film and events that take these core issues into consideration has become more and more vital. And celebrating this kind of work cements the importance of creating work with these values at heart, and doing it well.

Long time support of the Clarion Awards, Sam Wilson (Syntiro Associates) sums it up well.

“The Clarion Awards is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to celebrate how we, as creative engagers, use our skills to amplify the much-needed transformative change required to deal with our most pressing issues. I have always believed we play an essential and unique role and the impact of the work we do deserves to be recognised and applauded, not just by the creative industry but by all industries. It is an honour to be a part of it and to see it grow year-on-year.” 

The EVCOM Clarion Awards celebrate work that seeks to make a difference in the world. Your impact and craft deserves to be celebrated. Submit your work now!

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