We spoke to new member Tiffany Newton, Founder at On Kew, for her thoughts on creativity, home-schooling and Patrick Swayze!


What is your favourite thing about what you do?

Interacting with so many interesting, as well as creatively and intellectually diverse people, is definitely the highlight.  You never know who might be coming through your door, and inevitably, with our media backgrounds, in some way our paths have crossed in the past, or we know similar people.  It’s incredible.  I also love the ‘on the spot’ problem solving.  Every event or shoot has something that crops up, and it is so rewarding when we can make it work for the client.


What does creativity mean to you?

Looking at something in a unique way; out of the box thinking.  When a client transforms our space, and creates something incredible I adore it.  It’s why I loved being a film producer: taking words off the page (in the script) and enabling your Director’s vision, to make something incredible in reality. Being part of that creative process, working with the writer, director and cast to evolve and escalate ideas, is creativity at it’s peek for me.


Can you recommend a resource for us to check out – could be something you’ve found incredibly useful, a source of inspiration for you or just something that made you laugh at a difficult moment?

I read a book called ’The Untethered Soul’ before/during/after lockdown.  I studied it and since then have taught it.  It gave me the ability to have a greater capacity to deal with whatever the world threw at me, which during lockdown with an autistic son, who I’m now home-schooling, has had many challenges.  My daily interactions with him, are now some of the most rewarding moments of day, and I am not sure how I would have coped, on top of everything else, without the guidance and insights of Michael Singers book.


What one piece of advice would you offer to people starting out in the industry?

Be a really nice person who people want to work with!  All the social media, industry connections etc. are important, but if people don’t like working with you, they won’t come back. It’s all about the people, and the creative industries is all about rubbing off others, enjoying the energy that each and every person brings with them.  Be a positive part of that energy.


And finally, what’s your favourite film?

It’s an impossible question!  I have a million favourites… however, as I’m so nostalgic I’d have to say ‘Dirty Dancing’.  The music is fantastic, Patrick Swayze is incredible, it never fails to entertain and make you smile, and it takes me back to me as a teenager.  I went to Secret Cinema last year to watch it, and I could recite every word, and couldn’t stop getting up and dancing.  One of my most memorable nights of last year!


‘One Minute With…’ is a series of articles and films where we ask our members questions and they answer in just one minute! If you’d like to be involved in the initiative please get in contact with Amelia at amelia.brown@evcom.org.uk to express your interest and find out more!

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