Our members are doing amazing work to give back and we think that’s something worth celebrating. So for this month’s member feature article we asked them to share their work and initiatives on the theme of charity. They shared powerful charity films they’ve created at no cost, events that centre key issues such as sustainability and initiatives they have set up to get the team volunteering and offer opportunities to young people. This is a packed edition of our member feature series, credit to the work our members are doing to support vital causes, often pro bono.

Our members are making a difference.

Find out how below:

The Quite Frankly Foundation makes films at no cost for vital causes

We set up the Quite Frankly Foundation in 2017 to formalise the work we do for charities and not-for-profits. We wanted to give ourselves a structure, and hold ourselves account in a way, so that we could support causes that touch us, our families, our clients and our freelance network. Up until that point our “giving back” had felt a bit random, a bit of an after thought. By making this commitment, pro-bono work became front and centre of who we are as a business and what we care about. We have a section on our website where we invite clients, friends and prospective employees to submit their ideas, which we shortlist and then choose. We make at least two “free” films a year and often we get more out of the process than the recipients of the films. There are only two rules:  1) we only support charities who categorically couldn’t afford to hire a professional production company and 2) everything is done in-house which is a brilliant way to stretch and challenge some of our younger team-members. From filming in Tanzania to bee-hives in Highbury our Foundation work brings us together like almost nothing else.  In recent years we’ve made films for the Thalidomide Trust, AfghanAid, the Garden Classroom, Fine Cell Work, the Royal Hospital Chelsea, a charity de-stigmatising bowel cancer and Kingswood, a tiny charity in Oxford supporting neuro-diversity. All of us at Quite Frankly has some kind of personal connection to one of these brilliant causes, but we are always on the look out for more and are always open to suggestions.


Big Button spotlight the amazing work being done by West Mercia Search and Rescue


Each year we pick a charity and produce a film for them at no cost. This year we chose West Mercia Search and Rescue, a charity close to my heart as I volunteer for them. They are the official Lowland Rescue unit for the West Mercia Police area, operating as part of the UK’s rescue structure alongside Mountain Rescue, the Coastguard, RNLI and Lifeguards.

Powered by a team of unpaid everyday heroes, West Mercia Search and Rescue drop everything to save people in danger in the community. They are called out by the Police and Fire Service whenever help is needed to locate missing and vulnerable people in Shropshire, Herefordshire or Worcestershire. Every single volunteer willingly gives up countless hours to search for people at risk. Their team all have normal lives and normal jobs but choose to do extraordinary things without any motivation for personal gain as soon as they are called upon. They are the very definition of the word ‘Superhero’. As a registered charity, they solely rely on funding from our supporters and sponsors. Every penny raised goes towards funding their operations and running the operational rescue team. That’s why Big Button chose to partner with the charity, to help raise awareness and drive donations for this wonderful charity.

You can watch one of the edits here: https://video.bigbutton.tv/secret/96982019/6dc43c800bd88f839b0460196456e50e


Broadsword’s team volunteer and give back to the local wildlife and community


Matt Green from Broadsword says, “At Broadsword we do many different activities that both give back and also give sense of fulfilment to our team. Something that specifically stands out to me was a recent group volunteering afternoon at Tower Hamlets Heritage Cemetery, which corresponded with World Earth Day. This piece of East London history is now managed by a community group and, although the funding is limited, the work to maintain the site is far from it. It’s a real community hub – with woodland, wildflowers, edible plants and plenty of wildlife. On top of this, while we were there a forest school was using an area as a classroom. 

The task in hand for the two full time site managers is immense. In the Spring, as everything comes back to life from the Winter, the weeds begin to take over the ground area strangling the plants and displacing the natural eco-system. We spent the afternoon clearing a specific area, cutting back and transporting the weeds to the natural composting area they have on the site. 

It’s really interesting how collectively working on a task as a team can bond everyone. As a wider team at Broadsword we are a cohesive team anyways but the eight of us (ranging from old me to our youngest two members of staff) worked as a unit, under supervision to ensure everything was cleared in a systematic way. 

Volunteering can, obviously be a very rewarding experience but, sometimes I think it’s things that appear, on paper to be more unusual that can really open your eyes. “Weed clearing in a cemetery” may not on paper seem the most appealing however, the area was super busy – on a Wednesday afternoon – with people spending time in the woodland and making the most of nature. As a group we learnt a lot about the history of both the cemetery and the local area, as we pushed our wheelbarrows down “Millionaires Row”. We also learnt about the local wildlife and the indigenous plants along with the new infiltrators. Yes, I would recommend this volunteering experience however my wider point is to encourage people to think about other, less conventional activities and ways to give back to our local communities.”


The Casual Academy: Hands-on filmmaking experience for young diverse filmmakers


The Casual Academy provides 16-to 25-year-olds from diverse backgrounds with hands-on filmmaking experience. Working alongside our professional filmmakers, the Academy members attend skills workshops, learning the key steps of creative, scripting, filming, and editing. Culminating in producing a pro-bono film for a local non-profit, Academy members get hands-on experience in producing professional videos. So far, we have reached 150 young people across our home cities.


Goose Live Events help build an inclusive world by delivering the Phab Awards


Towards the end of 2023, Goose Live Events were proud to support Phab in their mission to build on an inclusive world for all when we, together with our incredible freelance community, donated our time and skills to help deliver the Phab Awards as a virtual event. Phab provides safe and fun places for people to feel independent, meet new friends and gain confidence, together.


CH Video pulls at the heartstrings to bring Christmas to children everywhere


It’s fair to say that charity videos are always at the top end for emotional response – pulling at the heartstrings to gain attention. That’s what makes the prospect of making them so much fun but equally as difficult to find that balance.

We were delighted to be able to help a local charity – Reading Family Aid. They request toy donations to distribute to families at Christmas who might not otherwise experience the Christmas Day thrill of opening presents.

We decided to interview children to get that ‘kids say the funniest things’ appeal. Then we set those edited voices to Christmas scenes (in the height of summer of course), animating simple expressions onto objects to create a fun video with a poignant ending. The client was thrilled: ‘It is AMAZING!!! Better than the John Lewis Christmas Ad! Thank you SO much for supporting us with this.’ They hope to use it again this year.


Shelton Fleming: TUSK Trust and 10th Anniversary

The Tusk Conservation Awards is a yearly awards event run by Tusk in partnership with NinetyOne and Shelton Fleming has partnered with them, pro bono, for the last 3 years. The objective of the event is to raise money and elevate the conversation for African-based conservation awareness. It also celebrates those leaders and wildlife rangers who contribute significant impact in the field. The event honored 50 conservation leaders, represented 18 countries, protected 60+ species, and showcased the influence, passion, and expertise the winners and finalists exhibited. It was celebrating their contribution to tackling the greatest threats to the continent’s biodiversity while educating on its importance and wider impact.  The 10th Anniversary awards were presented by his Royal Highness Prince William and the. Shelton Fleming supports Tusk Trust in many ways including working on their Covent Garden Gorilla Trail we handle and support all creative production & organization of the Tusk Awards.


RD Content spotlights the real difference that the Zayed Sustainability Award makes to people around the world


The Zayed Sustainability Award donates millions to non-profit organisations around the world, fostering innovative and ground-breaking sustainability initiatives in health, food, water, and energy. Now celebrating their 15-year anniversary, we set out to spotlight three of the brilliant causes that are making a difference for real people around the world.

Now celebrating their 15-year anniversary, they needed a film that would raise awareness of the prize’s positive impact, and drive submissions in the coming year. It needed to leverage the history and impact of the Prize, paying homage its founder Sheikh Zayed.

The film was delivered in both English and Arabic to maximise its audience reach. Its main purpose was to be shown on a 28-metre-wide screen to launch the award ceremony for the 2023 Prize in Abu Dhabi, where it received a standing ovation from the audience. It will continue to be used at events around the world, as well as shared on socials. At the time of writing, the film has been viewed over 12.7 million times across Youtube, twitter, Facebook and Instagram.


CTL Cares: Our Charitable Heartbeat


CTL Communications is committed to instilling a company culture that invests in giving back. Last year we supported The Jordan Legacy, a charity dedicated to influencing a significant reduction in the annual suicide numbers in the UK, with a zero suicide strategy at the forefront of the advancement of mental health and preventing lives lost to suicide. We were the key sponsor for the event that took place in Harrogate, and featured inspirational stories of overcoming loss and thriving, not simply surviving in life. It included musical performances, including one of the winners of the Channel 4 series The Piano, an awards presentation, and more.

This year we took another huge leap, creating our own internal initiative, CLT Cares. A purpose-driven charitable initiative devoting over 90 days to charitable causes in 2024 alone. But how does it work? Each team within the business picks one of their quarterly meetups to dedicate to a charitable initiative of their choice, with the freedom to identify initiatives that resonate within each team individually and collectively – even pairing with other teams to maximise impact too.

We remain passionate about giving back and hope that our new program inspires all of us to take time to create positive change for those in need, inside and outside of work.


DRPG make moments for vital causes

St. Richard’s Hospice Million Moments Campaign:


We’re proud to showcase our recent project, the “Million Moments” campaign for St. Richard’s Hospice. This campaign was designed to raise funds for much-needed facility upgrades at the hospice, which provides compassionate care for those with life-limiting conditions across Worcestershire. Our team created a series of emotive and creative films capturing real-life stories from individuals whose lives have been touched by the hospice’s exceptional care. The campaign was a resounding success, raising over £1,000,000 and surpassing fundraising goals.

Talking about the campaign, Tricia Cavell, Fundraising Director for St. Richard’s Hospice said, “​St Richard’s is blessed to have passionate and dedicated supporters and a campaign like this is testament to that because its success lies in people getting in touch with those they know to explain why a cause is so close to their hearts. Our champions, match funders and everyone who has donated or shared our story over the last couple of days are true hospice heroes.  Together we can continue to make every moment count for patients and loved ones – thank you!”

Grace Kelly Childhood Cancer Trust x DRPG – Make A Moment Christmas Party:


It’s never too early for Christmas, and DRPG have us in the festive feels with the ‘Make a Moment’ children’s Christmas party, dedicated to the Grace Kelly Childhood Cancer Trust. Held at the end of 2023, DRPG’s studios were transformed into a magical Harry Potter theme, complete with festive entertainment, local food, real reindeer, and, of course, Santa Claus. This special day brought together families supported by the Trust, offering them a joyful escape and a chance to create cherished memories.

Dr. Jen Kelly, CEO of the Trust, said, “It was really wonderful to see all our families come together for such a magical experience this Christmas. As we support families facing childhood cancer across Worcestershire, Gloucestershire, and Herefordshire we rarely have the opportunity to bring so many of the parents, children, and their siblings together in one space, so it truly was a special day. The DRPG team were so accommodating in hosting a day of magic, making memories that our families will cherish for years to come.”


Thank you so much to everyone who contributed to this month’s member feature article. It’s so inspiring to see the work our members, and our industry, is doing to support charities and vital causes and to give back creatively and purposefully.

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