This week we went to Westminster City School in the heart of London to speak to two different year groups across two days as part of the Creative Industries Festival organised by City Lions. We spoke to a class of Year 12 students who had an interest in business, and a group of Year 10 students with a whole range of interests.

When we talk about filmmaking, people often think about feature films and TV shows. And when we talk about events, people often think about festivals and weddings first. But both film and events have so much more to offer – and this is what we wanted to get across to the students.

We spoke to them about what corporate film and events actually means from short films to social media content, product launches to conferences. We talked about our own routes into the sector, and what key skillsets both require, as well as how you can develop them. We then showed a range of examples of films and events that have won awards at the EVCOM London Live and Film Awards ceremonies in recent years.

Working in groups, we then gave them all an example client brief for Ben & Jerry’s, the ice-cream brand, and asked them to work together to come up with a short plan for a film or event that they’d like to create in response to the brief they’d been given. Then we asked them to pitch their ideas back to us. Their suggestions included animated cows, make your own flavour workshops and taglines that sold ice cream as life-saving, to name but a few! It was great to speak to such a range of students, to give them an insight into our sector and to see them working creatively and enthusiastically on a client brief.

Thank you to Westminster City School for having us, and to City Lions for arranging it.

City Lions opens up Westminster’s cultural and creative world to its young people, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, to inspire and connect them to the future they want or have yet to discover. Find out more and get involved here.

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