The EVCOM Clarion Awards, which celebrate creativity and excellence with a cause-driven focus, are currently open for entry. So we decided to speak to previous winner Jon Brigden (Studio Giggle) about why they’ve entered the EVCOM Clarion Awards before, what they’ve got out of it and why this scheme is important to them. 

Why do you choose to produce this kind (purpose driven) of work?

Each year we have a certain amount of time and resources that we choose to dedicate to creating free/low budget filmed or animated content for brands and charities whose aims and objectives are particularly interesting or relevant to us. Producing purpose-driven work is something that our whole team loves to do, this kind of work is our passion project.

Why do you specifically enter the EVCOM Clarion Awards?

We enter the Clarion awards because we feel that there aren’t many award schemes for this kind of work that are held in such high regard by our whole industry. For us, this kind of work is often our passion project for the year, so we want to see it entered into awards that really understand purpose-driven creativity and the challenges and benefits that go alongside it.

What work has had the biggest impact on you/ the cause/ the client?

The Clarions is a great opportunity for us to share our work with our peers, and to see how they might tackle purpose-driven campaigns.

Our team works so hard throughout the year and to see our work recognised at the Clarion Awards is always a boost in morale and creativity. Not to mention the boost in awareness for the charities/campaigns that we work with, which can make a real difference for our clients.

Do you have a view on the future of purpose driven work?

At Studio Giggle, we believe that purpose-driven work is imperative to companies like ours, it allows us to reflect, see the bigger picture and help raise awareness for important causes in any way that we can.

… and anything else you might want to add.

We applaud EVCOM for continuing to host the Clarion awards year after year, the work that it celebrates at the awards is so important and deserves recognition.

Find out more and enter here.

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