The EVCOM Clarion Awards, which celebrate creativity and excellence with a cause-driven focus, are currently open for entry. So we decided to speak to previous winner Andrew de Lotbiniere (Pukka Films) about why they’ve entered the EVCOM Clarion Awards before, what they’ve got out of it and why this scheme is important to them. 

Why do you choose to produce this kind of work?

Pukka Films has a strong social conscience at the heart of all our work.  From training films designed to make organisations safer and better places to work, through to work for charities across the full range of the charitable sector – for twenty years we have produced work that we think makes the world a better and safer place.

Why do you enter the EVCOM Clarions Awards?

It’s a great place to showcase the work we do – and it’s also important our clients understand the recognition that good comms can achieve.  The Clarions raise the profile of both clients and films and when you win or are nominated the recognition is a reward for the hard work of the team and client.

What has had the biggest impact on you/ the cause/ the client?

For us, the greatest impact is when you see a film you’ve made being discussed online or being shared outside of the client/ immediate audience – it’s a great way of knowing that the film has achieved something and taken on a life of its own. For one gambling charity we worked with, we had Gary Lineker tweeting a link to the film, and BBC News picking up on the film and education resource and reporting on it – both of which happened organically with no input from us or the client. That’s immensely rewarding.

Do you have a view on the future of purpose-drive work?

Only that it will grow!

Find out more and enter here.

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