By Ellie Papas (Plastic Pictures)


How Has Social Media Influenced the Creative Filmmaking Process?

Social media’s influence has democratised filmmaking. Opening up the once ‘dark art’ of film craft to the masses. Content Creator is now a frequently seen job title and can be successfully achieved by creators as young as pre-teens to old age pensioners. Technology; the humble smartphone and innovative programming has enabled infinite filmmaking possibilities and built in audiences. Right from the outset of the creative process, your brainstorming session should factor in the optimal platform for your content. My advice…? Never retrofit a concept. Always make sure the idea works in tandem with your chosen channel.


What Type of Content Is Making Waves for the Film Industry?

I’m being drawn to view content that is fearless and unstereotyped. The biggest waves are coming from filmmakers who are portraying the stories of marginalised voices. To see excellent examples of this type of work, follow one of PP’s favourite clients, Aline Santos Farhat (Unilever), on Linkedin for inspiration. 

Beyond this, if you haven’t signed up for a TikTok account yet then you’re going to be left in the marketing/filmmaking shadows. TikTok’s are now being used as references for creative briefs (where TV commercials would normally be the inspiration). My advice…? Stop procrastinating and go explore TikTok, Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts. 


What Are the Best Social Media Channels for Filmmakers to Use?


A multitasking wonder and source of visual inspiration for so many. It’s living, breathing and constantly updating our lifestyles, interests and careers. Not only is it great for networking, interacting and promoting your own work, but it’s also an excellent platform for exploring new collaborations. My advice…? Hashtags are extremely useful search terms. Don’t hold back if you want your work to be seen beyond your circle. 


There’s a huge filmmaking community on the platform and a tonnes of talent that will surprise you by showing you the ‘real’ side of themselves. Educational ‘life hack’ videos are also massive!. By sharing tips and tricks in production and behind the scenes insight, you’re giving viewers something new to walk away with and more importantly return for more. My advice…? Try searching: #filmmakersoftikrok #videographertiktok #filmmakingtips you’ll find millions of tagged video content to spark creative thought. 


Just keeps getting better and better.  You can tap into film training on a daily basis because the platform features over 30 expert-led learning courses on filmmaking alone! One of the things I really enjoy is seeing filmmakers mention and tag their collaborators and crew members in posts – this broadens opportunities for future work and helps progress careers. My advice…? Don’t be afraid to talk about the things that went wrong. Alot of LinkedIn posts focus on projects being perfect (and winning awards) but in reality people are more interested in reading about the day to day pitfalls. Also, work the algorithms by encouraging comments and replying to everyone who leaves a comment.



About the author:

I’m currently working for Plastic Pictures as a Digital Marketing Executive. I have recently been awarded a Bachelor of Arts with Honours First Class in Business and Marketing at Coventry University. I do believe everybody has a purpose. My goal is to support and promote sustainable acts to make a change the planet is waiting for!

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