I’m Jasmin, a 22 year old creative from Kent. I am very passionate about living a life that fulfils you. I am a very creative person I create music, write, sing, paint and play the piano. My dream in life is to use my creative abilities in my career for example within the film and music industry. I believe that if you do something you are passionate about not only will you not work a day in your life, but you will be good at what you do. I haven’t had too much experience so far within the industry so far but everybody has to start somewhere. I did some acting when I was younger and have experienced life on set. I have had some experience in the music industry and feel these two can go hand in hand in some ways. I have always been interested in the film industry as my grandad was an extra in numerous films (including being a storm trooper in the first 3 starwars movies) and would always tell me stories about his life as an actor. I always thought it was so cool and begged him to sneak me on set. He is my biggest inspiration and I can’t wait to follow in his footsteps.
Connect with me:
Instagram @jasmin_fairhall